Comprehensive List of Researchers "Information Knowledge"

Mathematical Informatics Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
YASUMOTO, Masahiro | Professor | Nonstandard Arithmetic and Complexity Classes | Mathematical logic Nonstandard arithmetic Computational complexity |
MATSUBARA, Yo | Professor | Investigation of Large Cardinal Axioms | Set theory Logic |
JIMBO, Masakazu | Professor | Discrete Mathematics and its Application to Statistics and Information Sciences | Discrete mathematics Statistics Coding theory Cryptology Design of experiments |
SATOH, Junya | Associate Professor | Theory of Cyclotomic Fields and Bernoulli Numbers | Class number L-function q-analogue |
YOSHINOBU, Yasuo | Associate Professor | Infinitary Combinatorics and Large Cardinal Axioms | Mathematical logic Axiomatic set theory |
SAWA, Masanori | Assistant Professor | Quadratic and higher-degree forms,cubature formulae, and optimal experimental designs | Algebraic Combinatorics Design of Experiments Numerical Analysis Graph Theory |
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
OZAWA, Masanao | Professor | Quantum Information | Mathematical Physics Mathematical Logic Philosophy of Science Quantum Information Quantum Computing Quantum Measurement Quantum Set Theory Quantum Foundations |
YAGIURA, Mutsunori | Professor | Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems | Combinatorial optimization Metaheuristics General problem solver |
KANAMORI, Takafumi | Associate Professor | Machine Learning and Statistics | Machine learning Statistics Optimization |
NISHIMURA,harumichi | Associate Professor | Computational Aspects of Quantum Information Processing | quantum computing computational complexity |
Theory of Computation Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
HIRATA, Tomio | Professor | Study on Approximation Algorithms | Graph algorithms Approximation algorithms Hardness of approximation |
SAKAI, Masahiko | Professor | What is the meaning of programs ? | Term rewriting systems Program transformation Automatic theorem proving |
KUSAKARI, Keiichirou | Associate Professor | Automatic Program Verification | Automatic theorem proving Program verification Computation models |
HASHIMOTO,Hideki | Assistant Professor | Efficient Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems | Combinatorial optimization Algorithm Scheduling Operations research |
Joint Member
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
BUSCEMI,Francesco | Designated Associate Professor | Study of fundamental principles in quantum information theory | Quantum Foundations Quantum Measurements Quantum Communication Quantum Computing |
Information Platform Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
TAKADA, Hiroaki | Professor | Design Technologies of Embedded Real-Time Systems | Embedded computing system Real-time computing Operating system |
MIYAO, Masaru | Professor | Human-Centered Mobile Network Technology | Ergonomics Usability Virtual Reality Public health Disaster Information |
EDAHIRO,Masato | Professor | Optimization Techniques for Embedded Multi- / Many-Core Processors, Algorithms, Software Development Tools | Embedded Multi- / Many-Core Processors Parallelism / Concurrency (Optimization Algorithms Software Development Tools etc.) |
KATO,Shinpei | Associate Professor | Parallel and Distributed Systems | Parallel and Distributed Systems Cyber-Physical Systems Operating Systems |
Software Science and Technology Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
SAKABE, Toshiki | Professor | Theory and Technology for Developing High Quality Software | Specification Verification Generation of programs |
YUEN, Shoji | Professor | Theory and Practice of Concurrency for Reliable Network Computing | Concurency Communicating processes Program verification |
NISHIDA, Naoki | Associate Professor | Automatic Generation of Inverse Computation Programs in Functional Lauguages and its Application to Software Verification | Term rewriting system Program transformation Automated theorem proving |
TERAUCHI,Tachio | Associate Professor | Program Analysis and Program Verification | Programming Languages |
HAMAGUCHI, Takeshi | Assistant Professor | Software Development with Formal Specification | Formal specification Software development Program verification |
Practical Software Development Technology Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
NAKAMOTO, Hideaki | Visiting Associate Professor | Information System Development by Business Objects | Requirement analysis Component-based and reusable software Web system development technology |
Information Network Systems Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
ISHII, Katsuya | Professor | Computational Fluid Dynamics & Parallel Computing | Simulation of various vortical flows Parallel computing Grid computing |
TAKAKURA, Hiroki | Professor | Information Security | Information security Network security High-performance network Next generation network |
OGINO,Masao | Associate Professor | Numerical Analysis Technology for High-Performance and Parallel Computing | Computational Mechanics Parallel Computing Large-Scale Structural Analysis |
YAMAGUCHI, Yukiko | Assistant Professor | Network Management -- Applying Security Tools -- | Network management and security Spoken language processing |
NAGAI, Toru | Assistant Professor | Analysis of Wave Fields in the Earth's Interior with Heterogeneous Structure | Solid earth geophysics Parallel and distributed computing |
Joint Member
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
YAMAMOTO, Shuichiro | Professor | Knowledge sharing communication | Software Engineering Requirements Engineering Enterprise Architecture Knowledge Sharing Communication |
Speech and Image Science Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
MURASE, Hiroshi | Professor | Video and Image Recognition for Supporting Human Vision | Image recognition Intelligent vehicle Recognition of broadcast data |
TAKEDA, Kazuya | Professor | Informatics of Sound | Speech Text and human behavior signal processing |
IDE, Ichiro | Associate Professor | Contents Understanding of Large-scale Broadcast Video Data Collection | Multimedia contents processing |
KITAOKA, Norihide | Associate Professor | Speech/Spoken Language Processing | Speech recognition Spoken dialog |
MATSUBARA, Shigeki | Associate Professor | Natural Language Processing Using Very-Large Corpora | Natural language processing Information retrieval Digital library |
MATSUMOTO, Tetsuya | Assistant Professor | Construction of Flexible Multimedia Information Processing Systems | Neural network Image processing Pattern recognition |
MIYAJIMA, Chiyomi | Assistant Professor | Modeling of Human Speech and Behavior | Driving behavior signal processing speech signal processing |
Intelligent Media Engineering Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
OHNISHI, Noboru | Professor | Brain Analysis, Realization and Support | Human information processing Robot vision and audition Rehabilitation engineering |
NAGAO, Katashi | Professor | Intelligent Agents, Contents, Personal Robots, and Vehicles | Content technology Agent technology Artificial intelligence Robotics |
KUDO, Hiroaki | Associate Professor | Modeling of Human Information Processing Mechanism and its Application | Measuring of human information processing mechanism and its application Human interface |
ODA, Masahiro | Assistant Professor | Development of a computer-aided diagnosis system for colorectal cancer based on navigation diagnosis | Medical image processing Pattern recognition Computer aided diagnosis Computer aided surgery |
Cognitive Informatics Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
SAITO, Hirofumi | Professor | Integration of Semantic Processing in Cognition and Action | Semantic processing Brain imaging Verbal and nonverbal communication |
MIWA, Kazuhisa | Professor | Cognitive Science of Creativity and Discovery | Cognitive modeling Cognitive psychology Intelligent tutoring systems |
KAWAI, Nobuyuki | Associate Professor | Search for the Boundary of Human Intelligence | Experimental psychology Cognitive science Comparative cognitive science on learning and memory |
TERAI,Hitoshi | Designated Associate Professor | Cognitive scientific study of insight problem solving process | Cognitive science Problem solving Insight problem solving Information seeking behavior |
MITSUMATSU, Hidemichi | Assistant Professor | Psychology of Causality Between Voluntary Action and Environmental changes | Experimental psychology Human perception Voluntary action |
Media Expression Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
NAKAIWA, Hiromi | Visiting Professor | Understanding Natural Language in Context | Natural Language Understanding Semantic Lexicon Machine Translation |
NAKATANI, Tomohiro | Visiting Associate Professor | Information Extraction from Speech Communication Scenes | Sound Scene Analysis Speech Enhancement Statistical Signal Processing |
Architecture for Information Media Space Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
OHIRA, Shigeki | Assistant Professor | Semi-automatic Annotation and Intelligent Application for Multimedia Content | Multimedia content processing Information retrieval |
Joint Member
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
MORI, Kensaku | Professor | Development of Image Processing Techniques and Applications to Medical Images | Image processing Visualization Medical image processing |
DEGUCHI, Daisuke | Associate Professor | Development of a bronchoscope navigation system for real-time navigation-based diagnosis | Image Processing Pattern Recognition Object Detection ITS |
Many-body Systems Science Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
SUGIYAMA, Yuki | Professor | Mathematical Physics on Dynamics of Many-body Systems | Field theories Dynamical phase transition of manybody systems Dynamics of self-driven particles |
TANIMURA,Shogo | Professor | Quantum Mechanics, Information Theory, Geometry, Dynamical System Theory, and Statistical Mechanics | Quantum mechanics Geometric methods in physics |
TOKITA Keiichiro | Professor | How can we understand and control the complex systems with diverse elements and complex interactions among them? | Statistical Physics Mathematical Biology Science of Diversity |
NAKAMURA, Yasuyuki | Associate Professor | Theoretical and Simulation Approach to a Multi-Agent Game | e-Learning Statistical physics Econophysics |
Material Informatics Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
KOGA, Nobuaki | Professor | Theoretical Studies of Electronic Structures of Molecules and Chemical Reactions | Computational quantum chemistry |
NAGAOKA, Masataka | Professor | "Computing" Material Transformation ! - Theoretically and Visually - | Theoretical chemistry Computational science Nonequilibrium phenomenology |
ZHANG, Hedong | Associate Professor | Exploring the Nano World | Simulation of nano physical phenomena Nano-metrology Nano-tribology |
IUCHI, Satoru | Assistant Professor | Theoretical Study on Dynamics of Molecular Systems in Solutions | Theoretical/Computational Chemistry |
TAKAYANAGI, Masayoshi | Designated Assistant Professor | Theoretical study on vibrational relaxation process of photoexcited MbCO | Computational Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry |
Life-Science Informatics Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
OTA, Motonori | Professor | Structural Bioinformatics & Systems Biology | Protein structures Protein complexes Interaction network |
YOSHIDA, Kumi | Professor | Molecular Mechanism of Biofunctions | Bioorganic chemistry Natural product chemistry Plant science |
AOKI, Setsuyuki | Associate Professor | Generation of Biological Functions by the Interactions among Information Bio-molecules | Biological rhythms Gene network Molecular biology |
TSUKAMOTO, Masaki | Assistant Professor | Chemical Synthesis of Functional Nucleic Acids, and Development of Methodologies Toward It | Nucleic acid chemistry Organic synthesis Organometallic chemistry |
KOIKE, Ryotaro | Assistant Professor | Database analysis of protein structures and functions | Structural bioinformatics Biophysics |
Emergent Systems Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
ARITA, Takaya | Professor | Artificial Life : An Approach towards the Origin/Evolution of Life and Sociality | Artificial Life Complex systems science Evolutionary psychology |
KITA, Eisuke | Professor | Computer Simulations for Natural and Social Systems | Computer science Multi-agent system Social system Bayesian network |
NAGAMINE, Koichiro | Associate Professor | Extracting and Analyzing Various Information in the Natural and Human Environments | Geochemistry Image Processing Cartology |
SUZUKI, Reiji | Associate Professor | Understanding Adaptive Dynamics by Creating Emergence within Computers | Artificial life Agent-based modeling Evolutionary computation |
SASAHARA Kazutoshi | Assistant Professor | Communication as Complex System | Artificial Life Complex Systems Information Behavior |
Complex Systems Computation Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
AZEGAMI, Hideyuki | Professor | Mathematics of Modeling and Optimization | Applied Mathematics Mathematical design Shape Optimization Biomechanics |
OHKA, Masahiro | Professor | Human Sensation Modeling towards Robotics | Intelligent robotics Sensor and actuator system Psychophysics on human tactile sensation |
WATANABE, Takashi | Professor | Complex System of Material Flow and Information Flow | Fluid informatics Computational fluid dynamics Image processing |
SUZUKI, Yasuhiro | Associate Professor | Science of Harness | Natural Computing Science of Harness Complexity Systems Biology Computational Aesthetics |
Information Visualization Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
UCHIYAMA, Tomomi | Professor | Advanced Numerical Simulation for Complex Flow Phenomena | Computational fluid dynamics Multiphase flow engineering |
NIIMI,Michiko | Associate Professor | Relation between Man and Environment from Past to Present | Environmental archeology Faunal remains |
YASUDA, Koji | Associate Professor | Quantum-chemical Simulation of Large Molecules | Quantum chemistry Biophysics Special-purpose computer |
Knowledge Society and Information Systems Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
ISHIKAWA, Yoshiharu | Professor | Data Engineering for Taming Large Dynamic Databases | Databases Data engineering Web information systems |
MASE, Kenji | Professor | Multimedia and Multi-modal Computer Mediated Communication | Communication support Context processing and understanding Ubiquitous interfaces |
KATO, Jien | Associate Professor | Support for People's Social Activities by Using Image Recognition Techniques | computer vision pattern recognition machine learning and data mining |
Designing of Electronic Society Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
YASUDA, Takami | Professor | Design of Electronic Society from Citizen Viewpoint | Chair of electronic society design Media society Socio Informatics |
MOTOYAMA, Kiyofumi | Professor | Visual Communication in an Electronic Society | Information design Media and art Visual literacy |
Philosophy of Information Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
YONEYAMA, Masaru | Professor | Philosophical and Aesthetical Research concerning Information, taking Monadology as the Point of Departure | Informatics Philosophy of Leibniz Aesthetics of Monadology |
TODAYAMA, Kazuhisa | Professor | Philosophical Analysis of Science and Technology | Philosophy of science Science and technology studies Engineering ethics |
AKIBA, Fuminori | Associate Professor | Communication through Artifacts ?- Taking Lessons from Art | Collaboration of aesthetics and science Artifacts and communication Body-aesthetics |
KOIKE, Naoto | Associate Professor | Concepts of Information(oplysning) and socio-polotical linkage in the Nordic welfare states | Socio-cultural theory Social philosophy History of ideas in Europe |
Architecture of Information Society Group
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
TOYAMA, Katsuhiko | Professor | Integration and Application of Knowledge and Language Information | Knowledge information processing Natural language processing E-legislation |
OGAWA, Yasuhiro | Associate Professor | Multilingual Intelligence Sharing based on Natural Language Processing | Natural language processing Machine translation Legislation support system |
Name | Title | Research Theme | Research Field |
TAKADA, Hiroaki | Executive Director / Professor | Design Technologies of Embedded Real-Time Systems | Embedded computing system Real-time computing Operating system |
YAMAMOTO, Masaki | Director / Designated Professor | Education method for embedded software engineers | Embedded software Educational evaluation |
HONDA, Shinya | Associate Professor | RTOS and Codesign Toolkit for Multiprocessor Embedded Systems | Embedded systems Operating systems Multiprocessor |
MATSUBARA Yutaka | Assistant Professor | Real-time operating system with temporal protection for embedded systems | |
KURACHI, Ryo | Designated Assistant Professor | Next-generation Automotive LAN |