Comprehensive List of Researchers "Information Knowledge"
Department of Computer Science and Mathematical Informatics
- Name
- Group
- Theory of Computation Group
- Title
- Assistant Professor
- Degree
- Dr. of Informatics
- Research Field
- Combinatorial optimization / Algorithm / Scheduling / Operations research

Current Research
Efficient Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
A combinatorial optimization problem is a problem that its solution space or constraints are discrete and the objective is to find a feasible solution minimizing given objective function. It has a very wide range of applications and a variety of problems in real-world situation can be expressed as combinatorial optimization problems. However, these problems are often NP-hard problems and it is difficult to obtain an optimal solution in reasonable time. On the other hand, optimal solutions are rarely necessary in real-world situation and we are satisfied with good solutions obtained in reasonable computation time even if we are not able to obtain an exact optimal solution. In this way, efficient algorithms that find a good solution in reasonable time are important. Recently such approaches (e.g., local search, metaheuristics) have been intensively studied.The aim of my research is to develop efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, I'm interested in designing a high performance algorithm by a mathematical method utilizing a good structure of a target problem. The current research topics are as follows:
- vehicle routing problem
- scheduling problem
- graph partition problem
- design of real-time system, and so on.
Although a problem arising in real world situations is often complicated and developed algorithms can not be directly used, I would like to conduct research in order to contribute to achieving better solutions.
- 2008 Doctor of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
- 2008 Researcher, Center for Embedded Computing Systems, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
- 2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chuo University
- 2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Mathematical Informatics, Nagoya University
Academic Societies
- A GRASP Based Approach for Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications, Annals of Operations Research, 183 (2011) 143--161
- An LP-Based Algorithm for Scheduling Preemptive and/or Non-preemptive Real-time Tasks, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 4 (2010) 578-587
- A Set Covering Approach for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with General Constraints on Each Route, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 5 (2009) 185-202
- An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Discrete Optimization, 5 (2008) 434-456
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Time Windows and Traveling Times, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006) 2271-2290