Graduate School of Information Science
Information for Prospective Privately Financed Research Students
(Foreign Applicants)

The Graduate School of Information Science and the School of Informatics and Sciences are pleased to accept privately financed research students in special circumstances for study at the Graduate School or Undergraduate School after being accepted as research students (or graduate research students).
Application Requirements
Graduate Research Student:
1) Applicants must possess a Master’s Degree
2) Applicants who have been recognized by the faculty of this Graduate School
Research Student:
1) Applicants must possess a Bachelor’s Degree
2) Applicants who have been recognized as having the same scholarly ability as the above by the faculty of this Graduate School
Note: All applicants, both Graduate Research Students and Research Students, must possess Japanese or English ability sufficient for graduate study.
Application Procedure
(NOTE) The Graduate School of Information Science and the School of Informatics and Sciences will be reorganized into The Graduate School of Informatics and the School of Informatics on April 2017. Successful applicants will enroll in the new Graduate School/ School. Furthermore, there is a possibility, that the graduate school or school application procedures may differ depending on the instructor (hereafter, prospective supervisor).
1) All prospective students must email the instructor that they wish to study with and receive the prospective supervisor’s approval to apply to the Graduate School of Information Science.
Please refer to the following webpage to find if there is an instructor in our department that you wish to study with. (Japanese only)
2) Please email the prospective supervisor and introduce yourself, stating why you wish to study with this instructor specifically. With your introductory email, please be sure to submit the following 6 documents:
I. Entry Sheet (download button)
II. Questionnaire (download button)
III. Research Plan
IV. Official Transcript from most recent attended University
V. Certificate of (Expected) Graduation
VI. Document proving language ability (Japanese or English)
3) Upon reviewing your documents, and with the prospective supervisor's consent we will hold an interview with the prospective supervisor and the International Student Advisor. (Overseas applicants may use Skype for their interview)
The interview will consist of questions regarding your previous research experience and proposed research topic. Other questions will involve your previous experience with Japan, Japanese language, and your economic situation.
Application Period
April 2017 Enrollment
Overseas applicants Wednesday November 9∼ Tuesday November 22, 2016
Japanese residents Wednesday February 15∼ Tuesday February 21, 2017
October 2017 Enrollment
Overseas applicants Tuesday May 9∼ Monday May 22, 2017
Japanese residents Thursday August 17∼ Wednesday August 23, 2017
Tuition and other Fees
(These prices are for academic year 2016 and are subject to change without notice)
1) Entrance Fee ¥84,600
2) Tuition (one semester) ¥178,200 (one year) ¥356,400
Contact Regarding Research Student Admissions (Foreign Applicants)
Nagoya University, Graduate School of Information Science
International Student Advisor
Michelle KUHN
Email: kuhnm (at)
Tel: 052-788-6269
(Office Hours: 10:00~12:00, 13:00~16:00, excluding weekends and holidays)
Students Affairs Section
Nagoya University Graduate School of Information Science and School of Informatics and Sciences Office
Email: admission (at)
Tel: 052-789-4721
(Office Hours: 9:00~11:30, 13:30~16:00, excluding weekends and holidays)